Three new paddle tennis courts with grandstands and garden area at Benitatxell

  • Yesterday, Monday, the I Tournament of Festivities organised by the Benitatxell Padel Club and the Council of Sports inaugurated the new courts located at the municipal sports centre.

Benitatxell has now three new paddle tennis courts, in addition to the two existing ones. With just a few minor works to be completed, the new courts, located in the municipal sports area, were inaugurated yesterday with the I Tournament of Santa Maria Magdalena Festivities organised by the Benitatxell Padel Club and the Councillor of Sports, in charge of Javi Cabrera.

The inauguration was attended by the Mayor, Miguel Ángel García, the Councillor of Sports, Javi Cabrera, the Councillor of Urban Planning, Jorge Pascual, and the Councillors Isa Garrido and María José Ivars. Also present were the Sports Coordinator, Celso Alcázar, the president of the Benitatxell Padel Club, Iván Martínez, and several members of the club.

The works for the new courts have been carried out by the company Vías y Obras Aitana S.L. for 329,254 euros (VAT included), of which 47,172.21 euros are financed by the Plan +Deporte of the Diputación de Alicante for the installation of the courts (phase 1 of the project). In addition to the installation of the paddle courts, it includes the adaptation and enclosure of the plot, the construction of a dry stone wall and the installation of street furniture, green areas and grandstands.

The tournament matches take place from Monday July 15th to Saturday July 20th, and there are three male categories, one female, one mixed, one for boys and girls from 10 to 12 years old (included) and one for boys and girls from 13 to 15 years old (included). The format is two groups of four pairs per category with a final and semi-final and trophies for the finalists.

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