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The Cultural Week of the Elderly People of Benitatxell hosts a colloquium about Mossèn Josep Antoni Comes i Ballester, founder of the magazine SAÓ

  • The Association of Pensioners and Retired People, in collaboration with the Councilor of Elderly People, has organised, from October 14th to 20th, a wide programme of events.


The elderly people of El Poble Nou de Benitatxell also have their own week. The Association of Pensioners and Retired People, in collaboration with the Councillor of the Elderly People, has organised, from October 14th to 20th, a wide range of events specially designed for them. The events will begin on Monday 14th at the Social Centre with a snack of chocolate and mona and a performance of the singer Rosa Domínguez.

On Tuesday 15th, the traditional excursion is scheduled, which this year goes to the Albufera of Valencia, the historic centre of the city, the Turia riverbed and the Ciutat de les Arts i les Ciències. This activity is subject to a minimum number of participants. To sign up, please contact the president of the association, Mónica Garcia, until Thursday October 10th.

Colloquium on Mossèn Josep Antoni Comes i Ballester

The most outstanding and innovative event of this edition will take place on Wednesday 16th. The Social Centre will host, at 7pm, the screening of the audiovisual ‘El germans Comes. Altruism and generosity’ and the colloquium on Mossèn Josep Antoni Comes i Ballester, founder and first director of the magazine SAÓ.

Taking part in the round table will be Vicent Boscà Perelló, director of the magazine SAÓ; Mossèn Guillem Gilabert i Llobell; Joan Ivars, member of the Institut d’Estudis Comarcals de la Marina Alta (IECMA); José Gayà, founding member of the Miradas Collective and creator of the audiovisual; Sergi Ferrús i Peris, mayor of Pedreguer, and Vicent Ortuño i Ginestar, president of the Associació Cultural l’Ocell d’Ondara.

Born in Pedreguer in 1930, the journalist and priest Josep Antoni Comes founded in 1976, following a suggestion by Josep Mª Soriano, the magazine SAÓ, a Church publication in Valencian. Previously, in Madrid, Comes had been director of the magazine ‘Iglesia Viva’ and editorial secretary of another magazine, ‘Pastoral Misionera’.

According to an article by Josep M. Bausset in the magazine itself, SAÓ, the doyen of Valencian language publications, was first published in July 1976 in the midst of the Transition, not even a year after the death of the dictator. Published monthly, SAÓ was founded and promoted by progressive sectors of the Church of the Valencian Country, firmly committed to cultural Valencianism, the linguistic and social normalisation of the language and the renovating premises of the Second Vatican Council, based on the dialogue between the Church and culture, politics and society.

An extensive and varied programme

The programme will continue on Thursday with a performance by the Rondalla Crevillentina at 10:00 pm at the Social Centre, and on Friday, at the same time and place, with an aperitif and dance by Toni Català.

Well into the weekend, on Saturday the Social Centre will host the play ‘Madre, me quiero casar’, by Siete Comediantes, which will take place at 10:00 pm. On Sunday, to round off the week, the big day will come with the mass in honour of San Joaquín and Santa Ana sung by the Parish Choir and the traditional fellowship meal at Canor.