- From March 30th to May 25th, the municipality hosts the XIX Spring Concert Cycle with four days of music.
Spring is a synonym of music at El Poble Nou de Benitatxell. From March 30th to May 25th, the municipality hosts the XIX Spring Concert Cycle with numerous offers with free admission for all audiences.
The Musical Spring 2025 will start next Sunday March 30th with a concert by the Band of El Poble Nou de Benitatxell and the choir of white voices of the Municipal Music School. The local musicians, under the baton of Teles Moreno, will perform several pieces accompanied by the angelic voices of the children of the school, directed by singing teacher Antonio Caselles. The performance will be held at the Church Square at 6.00 pm.
After the various feasts of the month of April, the concerts will return next Sunday, April 27th. It will then be the turn of the OMA – Orquestra de la Marina Alta, which will perform at 6:00 pm in the church. The OMA was created in 1998 (in 2023 celebrated its 25th anniversary) by the conductor Francesc Estévez with the intention of filling an important gap in the culture of La Marina Alta region.
Until today it has performed more than 550 concerts, highlighting the Palau de la Música de València, the Auditorium of the Conservatory of Music in Palma de Mallorca, the Cathedral of Teruel and the season of concerts and opera in Alcoi. It has also recorded several CD’s such as the Recital Opera with the tenor José Sempere, the Pequeña Serenata Nocturna or compositions such as the Hymn of La Marina Alta.
Again, after a few weeks of hiatus during La Rosa festivities, the concerts will return next Sunday, May 18th with the performance of Connecta Percussió: Over pulse and echoes, the new formation of the duet led by Carlos Mulet and Adrià Ribes, who now have the accompaniment of percussionist Guillem Serrano and guitarist Rosario Caselles.
The symbiosis born from the union of the different percussion instruments and guitars offers an energetic yet intimate programme. The fundamental characteristics shared by these instruments in their sound production make up the transversal discourse on which ‘Over pulse and echoes’ is based. The concert will be at 6 pm in Santa Maria Magdalena church.
The following Sunday, May 25th, at 6:00 pm in the church, the cycle will be closed by Pequeños Cantores of Valencia, a Valencian choral school with more than 60 years of history made up of children and teenagers between 5 and 18 years old.
The group Pequeños Cantores of Valencia, formed by teenagers between 12 and 18 years old, is the last of the four choirs that make up the choral school. In it, all the musical and human values learned throughout Albada, Bardissa and Minicantores are more evident than ever. Their talent is of such magnitude that in 2013 they were awarded the Gold Medal of the Ciudad de Valencia and the Distinction for Cultural Merit of the Generalitat Valenciana for their long career and their remarkable impact on the world of choirs and Valencian music.