New school accesses at El Poble Nou de Benitatxell in view of the refurbishment of Santa Maria Magdalena school

  • There will be a space called ‘Goodbye Kiss’ so that families can leave their children quickly and kiss them goodbye.

The refurbishment of Santa Maria Magdalena school at El Poble Nou de Benitatxell is finally moving forward. And in view of the works, which have taken up part of the existing car parking lots, the Council has drawn up a new itinerary to guarantee the safety of the schoolchildren and their families at the entrances.

Both the car parking lot at Mestres square and the one on Escoles street on the right hand side will be closed for a period of time, so only the car parking lot on the left hand side of the road will be functioning. A mini roundabout will be set up in this car parking lot to allow students to turn around and load and unload. On the other hand, a new plot in Mestral street is also being prepared for parking.

“Goodbye Kiss”

In this same street, there will be a space called ‘Goodbye Kiss’ so that families can quickly drop off their children and kiss them goodbye before entering the school. However, the Councillor of Education, in charge of Jorge Pascual, encourages families to use the car parking lot on València Avenue and then walk to the entrance of the school.

Another area where there will be changes will be the ascent from Pesqueres square to the Music School, which will be closed to traffic for the safety of the children, as the 6th grade classes will be moved to these classrooms. This section will be used by the pupils as a playground and recreational area. Access to the fords will not be allowed during the entrance, exit and playground periods.

Local Police will be reinforced during the first few weeks to ensure safety, promote proper circulation and solve any doubts.