Farewell with honours to José Francisco Mayans, chief of the Local Police of Benitatxell

  • The celebration of the Holy Guardian Angels honoured the 34 years of dedication to the body of Mayans, who retired last August.
  • “You have been an example of how to serve a town, not only with your uniform, but also with your heart”.


Last Sunday, October 6th, the Local Police of El Poble Nou de Benitatxell celebrated, as they do every year, the festivity of the Holy Guardian Angels, patron saint of the police. But it was not just another event, it took on more significance than ever, as it honoured the 34 years of dedication to the local police corps of the chief José Francisco Mayans, who retired last August.

After the mass in honour of the Holy Guardian Angels, local police officers, municipal corporation, Civil Protection volunteers, members of various associations, family, friends and supporters gathered in the Church Square to attend the official ceremony of presentation of medals and distinctions, led by the Councillor of Citizens’ Security, María José Ivars.

First of all, Ivars welcomed the two new officers who joined last September, Rubén Soto and Jesús Hernández, wishing them ‘a good service and a happy stay in our town’. She then officially introduced the new provisional chief, José Vicente García, of whom she highlighted his involvement with El Poble Nou de Benitatxell. ‘He is a police officer by vocation and a tireless worker. I am sure he will be up to the job’. He also presented him with the medal for 20 years of dedication to the Benitatxell Local Police.

It was the already appointed new chief who presented the medal of merit of Civil Protection to the head of the group, Arturo Esteve, for, among many other things, saving the life of a child this summer.

‘We have seen him give his all for his people’

After that, the event focused on distinguishing Mayans’ career. ‘We would never have liked this day to come,’ said the councillor in charge of the police. ‘I have been working with him for five years and he has taught me everything I know. He has helped me, he has guided me and he has always given me the best advice. I will always be grateful to you, chief. We have all seen him work hard for his people and I have never seen him complain. Whatever the problem, whatever the time, Mayans has found the solution. I’m going to miss you’, confessed Ivars, who, together with the mayor, Miguel Ángel García, and the new chief, José Vicente García, presented him with a plaque for 34 years of dedication, as well as a retired member’s card.

The ceremony was attended by some of the chiefs of the neighbouring local police, who have shared countless experiences with Mayans. Among them were José Antonio Monfort, head of the local police in Xàbia; José Martínez Espasa, head of the local police in Gandia; Agustín Rubio, head of the local police in Finestrat; Ana García Buigues, head of the local police in Teulada, Cristóbal Buigues, ex-chief of the local police in Xàbia, and Domingo Anarte, ex-chief of the local police in Benissa. On behalf of all of them, José Martínez dedicated a few words of thanks and admiration, in which he highlighted Mayans’ predisposition to always be “there for whatever was needed”. The Guardia Civil also took part in the ceremony and the commander of the Guardia Civil post in Xàbia, Lieutenant José Javier Mañas, presented him with a distinctive badge.

But it was not only José Francisco Mayans’ professional facet that was recognised, but also his personal one. His eldest daughter, Loreto Mayans, dedicated some moving words to him. ‘When I think of him, I remember all the sacrifices he has made over the years. We have witnessed a person who was truly passionate about his work, who dedicated himself day and night to his team and to the people he loves so much. His dedication and devotion have not only left a mark on his professional career, but also on our family. My father has instilled in us the best values that anyone can pass on: hard work, commitment, integrity and, above all, a love for what you do.

The mayor, Miguel Ángel García, closed this important event with words of thanks and esteem. “We feel deeply fortunate to have had you as chief of police all these years. Your commitment and dedication have left a mark that will be very difficult to erase. You have been an example of how to serve your people, not only with your uniform, but also with your heart. And it is precisely this that makes you so special.”