Clásicas y Modernas closes the cycle of meetings ‘Lo recordaba la más vieja del pueblo’ at Benitatxell.

  • This nationwide initiative is intended to recover the oral memory of elderly women in various municipalities

Yesterday, Thursday, the third and last session of ‘Lo recordaba la más vieja del pueblo’ took place at the Municipal Library, an original initiative of the association for gender equality in culture Clásicas y Modernas, with which Benitatxell Council collaborates through an agreement, which has as its objective to recover the oral memory of the elderly women of the municipality to help enrich the memory of the town from the point of view of women, historically invisibilised.

On this occasion, the day was mixed, open to both women and men. The goal was not only to listen to the testimonies of elderly women, as in previous sessions, but also to hear men’s opinions on the role that these women played in society in general and in literature in particular.

The session was led by Marina Gilabert, a member of Clásicas y Modernas and a poblera by birth, with the help of Pepita García, a poblera who is also a member of the association. Also present was the Councillor of Culture, Jorge Pascual.

‘Lo recordaba la más vieja’ is an original project by Clásicas y Modernas which is being carried out at a national level in towns such as Verín (Ourense) and Banaguás (Huesca), and other municipalities in Madrid and Andalusia. All the graphic and oral material collected in the participating villages will be included in a work that will be sent to the Ministry of Culture.

The association Clásicas y Modernas took the opportunity to thank the involvement of all the people who have participated in the project, as well as the collaboration of the European Union of Women Marina Alta and the Council of El Poble Nou de Benitatxell.