- The objective is to ensure that the treated water that returns to the natural environment does not contain any polluting elements
Continuing with the works being carried out in the municipal sewerage service, a few weeks ago, the Council of El Poble Nou de Benitatxell began the implementation of the Dumping Control Plan, which is intended to monitor the quality of the wastewater that users of the service discharge into the municipal sewer pipes. The objective is to ensure that the water can be adequately treated by the 29 wastewater treatment plants in the municipality.
It should be remembered that treated water is returned to the natural environment and it is essential that it does not contain any pollutants that could affect flora and fauna, which is why it is necessary to ensure that the water arriving at the treatment plants for purification does not contain any pollutants that cannot be eliminated in the purification process.
Within this plan, a roadmap has been designed with a total of 12 control points, covering both the centre and residential areas. Throughout the year, 48 analytical samples will be taken.
This work is being carried out by the Diputación de Alicante with a subsidy of 9,697.54 euros, while the work and the management of the information is carried out jointly by the public companies of the Diputación, Proaguas and Poble Net Serveis Municipals, the public company of the Council.
In the first phase, the objective is to be able to identify any possible discharges into the municipal sewerage system that may be problematic in order to determine their origin and to carry out a social awareness campaign with the users of the service so that they understand the importance and significance of their actions.
In fact, one of the main problems, already reported by the Council, is the high presence of toilet paper towels, which cause blockages in the sewers and breakdowns in the wastewater pumps, generating high maintenance costs.