El Poble Nou de Benitatxell begins the management of the Tourism Sustainability Plan, which will invest 2.4 million euros in the municipality

  • The Council awards the contract for the management of the Tourism Sustainability Plan at the destination, which includes actions to improve tourist resources, waste, drinking water and transport.

The Council of El Poble Nou de Benitatxell has awarded the management of the Tourism Sustainability Plan at the destination, a project for which it received 2,441,513 euros from the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan (PRTR) financed by the European Union and which will be used to promote a more sustainable tourism in the municipality.

For the council, this plan is a great opportunity to improve the municipal infrastructures, both for tourists and for the local residents, and to enhance the natural and patrimonial value of the town. ‘We are aware that it is a very ambitious plan and that we have limited human resources as we are a small town. That is why we included in the list of subsidised actions the management of the plan through an external company that will be in charge of the management’, explained the councillor of Tourism, Víctor Bisquert.

The project has finally been awarded to the company Xelus IT. The consultancy firm has already started its work this July with the first tasks of organisation and rethinking of the Sustainability Plan.

Xelus IT is a Valencian technology consultancy with extensive experience in modernisation and digital transformation processes. Its task at Benitatxell will be the planning, execution, monitoring and evaluation of the actions included in the Tourism Sustainability Plan, which will conclude in June 2026.

Both the Council of El Poble Nou de Benitatxell and Xelus IT express their initial satisfaction with this collaboration, which will involve a great effort over the next 30 months, of which all parties are aware, but which they begin motivated to achieve the objectives of the plan that will enhance the natural and cultural patrimony of the town in terms of tourism and improve the day-to-day conditions of the inhabitants of the municipality.

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