Benitatxell offers a free 12-hour course for new users of the organic orchards

  • The training, which will start next Monday July 8th, is open to the whole town, not only for the new beneficiaries of the local orchards.

Benitatxell’s Council allocated the new plots available for Pous de l’Abiar’s ecological orchards yesterday, Wednesday. Demand has exceeded expectations, completing the 10 plots that were available.

Now, the new users can start planting their orchards and, in order to introduce them to ecological cultivation, the Council has programmed the course ‘Creation of an ecological family orchard’. The course is open to everyone and is very practical, as most of the sessions will take place in Pous d’Abiar’s orchards. In order to fit in with people’s timetables, both morning and afternoon sessions have been organised. They will be held every Monday and Wednesday in July and August.

The first lesson, with a theoretical content on the introduction to horticulture and practical classes on the design and implementation of the orchard, will start next Monday July 8th at 6:00 pm.

The course will be given by José Manuel Bisseto, an agronomist specialising in ecological agriculture. Inscriptions, completely free of charge, can be made by emailing