Benitatxell appreciates the work of local associations at the annual recognition ceremony

  • On Friday, the Council held a small aperitif attended by around 130 people from local groups and clubs.


Last Friday afternoon, the tent at Les Pesqueres square of El Poble Nou de Benitatxell became, once again, the setting for a party for the local associations and clubs or those with links to the town. The Council wanted to take advantage of the installation to express its gratitude, for the third year in a row, for the incredible work of cohesion carried out by the non-profit groups in the town with a small aperitif.

The party was attended by around 130 people belonging to 32 associations of the municipality: The Municipal Music Band of Santa Maria Magdalena, Ampa CEIP Santa Maria Magdalena, Ampa IES Teulada, Association of Retired People and Pensioners, La Granera Association, Benitachell International Neighbours Association (AVIB), Associació d’Agricultors Biomoscatell, Associació Cultural Taurina El Portalet, Associació de Cavallistes i Carreters, Women’s Association of Poble Nou de Benitatxell, Benitachell Football Club, Benitachell Christian Fellowship, Cáritas Parroquial, Clásicas y Modernas, Club de Caçadors La Perdiu, Club de Futbol Sala Benitatxell, Club de Pilota Poble Nou, Club de Pàdel Benitatxell, Club Multiesport Benitatxell, Colla La Llebetjà, Cor de Jesús, Cor Parroquial, Asociación de Vecinos Cumbre (CRA), Escola Municipal de Futbol Base Benitatxell, European Union of Women Marina Alta, Gatos Felices Benitatxell, Grup de Danses Morro Falquí, Grupo de Exploración Moraig, Hijas de María, NVOC De Lage Landen, Protecció Civil El Poble Nou de Benitatxell and NeighbourHood Watch.

The mayor, Miguel Ángel García, expressed a few grateful words. ‘We would like to thank you once again for your tireless dedication to our town on a voluntary basis. It is all of you, the associations and their members, who drive and dynamize El Poble Nou de Benitatxell at all levels: cultural, sporting, social, traditional, neighbours’, etc. We all owe a lot to each and every one of you who are here this afternoon. For this reason, we hope you stay in good health and wish you all the best to continue in this way’.

García also highlighted the large number and diversity of associations of Benitatxell, which, for a municipality of less than 5,000 inhabitants, has a rich and very active associative network, with more than thirty groups.