Benitatxell warns of the high presence of toilet wipes which cause blockages in the sewerage system

  • The council is asking the citizens to avoid flushing them down the toilet.

The misuse of wipes is causing a problem to El Poble Nou de Benitatxell’s sewerage system. From some time ago to now, the technicians of the municipal services company Poble Net have warned of the high presence of this fibrous waste which causes blockages.

The municipality has a total of seven pumping stations for wastewater, which work on a daily basis to ensure the functioning of the sewerage system. This year, they are experiencing recurring problems due to the presence of sanitary towels, which cause blockages in the sewers and breakdowns in the sewage pumps, resulting in high maintenance costs.

The Council asks all citizens to avoid flushing sanitary towels down the toilet and recalls that they should be disposed of in the rubbish bin.