On the occasion of the new cadastral revision that will come into force next year 2025 and which updates the values in force from 1994, in the next few days you will receive a letter by ordinary post sent by the Territorial Management of Cadastre of Alicante, which it is important to keep, as it will contain a personal password.

This personal password, together with an informative leaflet that will be attached, will be used to download, by connecting to the Cadastre website, the notification of the new cadastral values of your property, until September 29th, 2024.

This notification is not a receipt to pay, but a communication of the new cadastral value of your property.

Those who do not have internet access or need help to download the notification, can go to the Town Hall of El Poble Nou de Benitatxell (C/ Mayor, 5), where a Cadastral Information Point has been set up in the Urbanism area (ground floor). The opening hours are as follows:

  • From September 9th to 13th: from 9am to 2pm.
  • September 10th and 12th: from 4pm to 6pm.
  • October 8th, 10th, 11th, 14th and 15th: from 9am to 2pm.
  • October 8th and 10th: from 4pm to 6pm.

You must hand in the letter with the password provided and your DNI (or NIE for residents), and the administration will provide you with access to the notification free of charge.

Similarly, anyone who does not receive any letter with the corresponding password can also go to the offices of the aforementioned administrations with their DNI (or NIE for residents) and they will be provided with the information.

This means of notification does not oblige or condition the citizen in the future, but in addition to help to reduce costs, it facilitates access to information, allowing them to decide when and what time they want to access their notification.