Cova de les Bruixes costumes, Festeros handing out the “Pa Benet” and Nebulossa are the winners of the San Pancrazio contest of Benitatxell

El Poble Nou de Benitatxell finished yesterday its festivities in honour of the Virgin of the Rose with an intense weekend full of fun. On Saturday, the locals enjoyed a festive day with the traditional ‘cucañas’ and the paella contest.

In the afternoon, the pobleros and pobleras showed their humour in a colourful parade through the streets of the village. There was laughter, funny scenes and good vibes in one of the most deeply-rooted festivities in the municipality since it was introduced in 1951 by the ‘Quadrilla del Sarment’.

In the costumes, which were very elaborate this year and with a high participation, there were references to both to local traditions and aspects of municipal current affairs, as well as to one of the national phenomena last Saturday: the participation of Nebulossa in Eurovision.

Thus, the costumes of Cova de les Bruixes, with witches and archaeologists included; the Festeros handing out the “Pa Benet” (penya El sacristà), where the men went as festeras and the women as festeros, and Nebulossa (Les pobladores), with their song ‘Zorra’ resounding through the streets of the town, were proclaimed winners of the San Pancrazio contest. The festivities ended yesterday, Sunday, with the bullfighting festivities.